
  • Mindfulness for Well-Being

    Programmes to benefit mind and body

What can mindfulness do?

The benefits of mindfulness are many and varied comprising mental, emotional and physical elements. There is a growing body of evidence that mindfulness can lead to:

Improving physical health

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Enhancing resistance to depression

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Enhancing well-being

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Background to the programme

The Mindfulness for Well-Being course is based upon the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) created by Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression programme (MBCT) devised by Segal, Williams and Teasdale.

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8 Week Course

The course lasts for eight weeks and each session is 2 hours long. The overarching aim of the course is to become more aware of body sensations, feelings and thoughts from moment to moment, through doing exercises in mindfulness of body, breathing, thoughts, movement etc. There will be a combination of exercises in the class and exercises to practice at home. For the best possible results from the course it is beneficial to spend between 30-40 minutes on home practice for 5 or 6 days a week.

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Book a place on our next course

Please click below for the booking form and details about the current course. Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss more about how the course can benefit you.

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Sue Chappell

I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to attend an 8 week Mindfulness course with Dave Austin. It came at a time in my life that I needed some extra guidance however I needed something that enhance my way of life around Protective Behaviours.

I can honestly say that Mindfulness has helped me to slow down and enjoy life without feeling guilty or feel the need to stress about things that I have no control over. I was a deep thinker and I would find it hard to switch off now I use mindfulness to focus my mind on the world around me, noticing things that I once would have taken for granted and that includes those around me that I love dearly as well as letting go without feel any shame, guilt or blame at myself.


Lisa Bristow

I attended the 8 week Mindfulness programme and was amazed at the transformation in my thinking. I have had experience of similar methodology but actually taking the time out of my week to focus on implementing the ideas really helped to calm my mind. What I wanted to get out of the programme was to stop the squirrels in my brain , my brain was switched on 24/7 and I would easily get distracted and lose focus at a critical time in starting my business . Mindfulness helped to slow things down for me so that I felt more in control of my thinking. I would highly recommend this programme to anyone who feel like they would like to take back control of their thinking!